Hey Guys I'm on Bloglovin!!!!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

The Benefits of Bloglovin'

It allows readers to easily follow along with your posts. Think Instagram... for blogging. Your Bloglovin' followers can keep up with each of your latest posts in their feed (unlike Facebook which sorts posts by popularity). Each time you write a new post, Bloglovin' automatically displays a preview in your followers' feed. Followers can click on the post to read it or they can 'like' it and save it for later. Followers can also click on your blog and see all of your posts at a glance, just like they can with your Instagram account.
It's free marketing. Because we all love free ways to promote our blogs and attract readers. Even better, Bloglovin' markets your blog to your ideal audience: people who love following along with blogs in the first place.
It allows you to see which of your posts are the most popular. Followers have the ability to 'like' posts and save them for later reading or future reference. As a blogger, it's helpful to see which posts your audience prefers so that you can continue coming up with similar content. And because users can follow along with each other, they can see which posts their Bloglovin' friends have saved, driving even more traffic to your site.
It helps new blog readers find your blog. Bloglovin' also allows its users to search blogs by category or display blogs similar to the ones they are already following along with. This, again, allows your ideal audience to easily find you and follow along with your blog.

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